Chulwoo Charles Park bio photo

Chulwoo Charles Park

Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health and Recreation at San José State University

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Assistant Professor

Fall 2020-Present 6 different undergraduate courses, San José State University

  • PH-67 Introductory Health Statistics (Fall 2021, 22, Spr. 2022)
  • PH-99 Introduction to Public Health (Fall 2020, Spr. 2021)
  • PH-161 Epidemiology (Fall 2022, 23, Spr. 2023)
  • PH-167 Biostatistics (Fall 2020, 23, Spr. 2021)
  • PH-176 Introduction to Global Health (Fall 2021, 22, 23)
  • PH-199 Population Data Science Capstone (Spr. 2023)

Graduate Teaching Assistance

Fall 2016-Spring 2020 25 Graduate-Level Courses (14 different courses), Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University

  • Global Vaccinology (2 courses: Residential & 2U Online) (Sum. 2019)
  • Leadership and Decision Making: A Skills Based Approach (Sum. 2019)
  • Global Health Programs and Approaches to the Control of Infectious Diseases (2U Online) (Spr. 2019)
  • Prevention and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases (Spr. 2019)
  • Global Health Study Design (Fall 2018)
  • Global Health Qualitative Research Methods (Sum. 2018)
  • Global Health Frameworks (Fall 2017)
  • Public Health in Humanitarian Settings (Fall 2017)
  • Global Health Program Management and Leadership (Sum. 2017, 18, Fall 2019)
  • Global Health Program Development & Implementation (Sum. 2017, 18, 19, Spr. 2018, 20)
  • Nutrition, Food & Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergency (Spr. 2017)
  • Global Health Quantitative Research Methods (Spr. 2017, 18, Sum. 2017, 18)
  • Comparative Global Health Systems (Fall 2016, 18)
  • Public Health in Complex Emergencies (Fall 2016)